The main aim of the e-MobiLArt project is to provide a number of selected interactive media artists and scientists, coming from different cultural and artistic backgrounds, with the opportunity to collaborate with other artists/scientists in order to create interactive installation artworks, through a process focusing on intercultural and interdisciplinary dialogue. In order to achieve that, the project will attempt to identify an optimal framework as a result of collaboration amongst members of an international, interdisciplinary and diversified consortium of European Organizations (cultural operators, Universities and artists networks) as well as an American software and a Canadian hardware company.
Furthermore, through the co-operation measures proposed and the activities planned, the project will try to offer a European co-operation strategy, which will crystallize the dynamics of both European cultural diversity and contemporary artistic expression in the form of interactive installation artworks. An ultimate objective of the project is to build a community of artists, scientists, theorists, cultural operators, academic institutions and ICT-related companies which will continue to evolve and form new synergies after the completion of the project.
During the e-MobiLArt project three separate artistic events in the form of workshops will occur, involving hands-on creative collaborative work as well as (technical and theoretical) presentations, which will take place in three different European Countries (Greece, Finland and Austria). Cultural operators (State Museum of Modern Art of Thessaloniki, Gallery of the Academy of Fine Arts Katowice, Leonardo/OLATS) and Universities (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, University of Applied Arts Vienna and University of Lapland, Group Haute Ecole ICHEC Saint Louis) from six different European Countries (Greece, Austria, Finland, Poland, France, Belgium) will co-operate in order to support the collaborative efforts of new media artists/scientists by providing them with scientific, technical and theoretical support.
The team of experts which will work towards achieving these objectives will be structured into 4 different committees:
- The co-ordinating committee will have an organizational and operational role in all project activities.
- The scientific and curatorial committees will be responsible for selecting the artists and supporting them during the process of creation and implementation of their artworks.
- The workshop organization committee will be responsible for organizing the workshops.
- The curatorial committee consists of appropriately qualified individuals with an expertise in the theoretical discourse relating to Art & Technology (Roger Malina, Nina Czecledy, Annick Burreaud, Christiana Galanopoulou) and will be responsible for curating two exhibitions in the premises of two different European cultural institutions.
The key objectives of this project are:
- to support the mobility of participants, by helping them to physically get together in the context of three workshops in three different European countries. This collaborative and interdisciplinary process is also expected to have an impact on the nature of artworks produced at the end of the process.
- to promote the intercultural and interdisciplinary character in collaborative artistic practice and specifically in interactive media art. Special emphasis will be given by the scientific and curatorial committee in aiding the formulation of groups comprising participants from different European (and collaborating) countries and consequently cultural backgrounds. Therefore each group will consist of at least two participants of different nationality and will be encouraged to include participants with diverse artistic or scientific backgrounds.
- The collaborative character of artistic creation is one of the main foci of the proposed project. Collaboration will occur, during each workshop and on-line, in various levels:
- amongst participants themselves within each group,
- amongst groups of participants,
- between participants (as individuals or groups) and the members of the scientific and the curatorial committee, between participants and technical support personnel, etc.,
- to support on-line collaboration amongst remotely located participants, through creative use of on-line communication tools and networks. This network will also assist in the dissemination of the projects results. The project ultimately aims at evolving this on-line environment into a virtual community of artists, scientists, institutions and cultural operators, in the context of which they may communicate their news, thoughts, useful information, ideas and which will continue to support their collaboration in the future.
- Mobility of the completed artworks, in at least two different European cities (Thessaloniki, Katowice) at appropriate exhibiting sites. European co-operation measures will provide the possibility for these participants groups to be part of a network of co-operation between cultural operators and academic institutions from six different European Countries.
Appropriately selected personnel and experts from different European countries will assist the participants, in enhancing their creative skills and applying these skills into creating new artworks at the following levels:
- Technical aspects of creating artworks (software programming for developing interactive systems, sensor technologies, tangible ubiquitous computing)
- Theoretical and practical aspects of creating interactive new media artworks by using these technologies.
The following is a list of accepted participants who have so far registered in the project (in alphabetic order):
1. | Duke Albada [CV] | Australia |
2. | Kelly Andres [CV] | Canada |
3. | Nurit Bar-Shai [CV] | USA / Israel |
4. | Alexandra Berlinger [CV] | Austria |
5. | Marguerite Charmante [CV]] | Switzerland |
6. | Linda Dement [CV] | Australia |
7. | Anna Dumitriu [CV] | UK |
8. | Wolfgang Fiel [CV] | Austria |
9. | Etienne de France [CV] | France |
10. | Petra Gemeinboeck [CV] | Australia |
11. | Julia Carboneras Girgas [CV] | Spain |
12. | Cliona Harmey [CV] | Ireland |
13. | Lucy H G [CV] | USA |
14. | Saoirse Higgins [CV] | Ireland |
15. | John Frans Holder [CV] | UK |
16. | Nigel Johnson [CV] | UK |
17. | Maria Lalou [CV] | Greece |
18. | Dave Lawrence [CV] | UK |
19. | Christine Mackey [CV] | Ireland |
20. | Evdoxia Christina Malisianou [CV] | Greece |
21. | Eleni Panouklia [CV] | Greece |
22. | Brigitte Prinzgrau - Podgorczek [CV] | Austria |
23. | Sally Pryor [CV] | Australia |
24. | Martin Rieser [CV] | UK |
25. | Tobias Rosenberger [CV] | Germany |
26. | Barry Roshto [CV] | Germany |
27. | Nita Tandon [CV] | Austria |
28. | Antti Tenetz [CV] | Finland |
29. | Pia Tikka [CV] | Finland |
30. | Marion Traenkle | The Netherlands |
31. | Fernando Daniel Velazquez [CV] | Brazil |
32. | Lorraine Walsh [CV] | USA |
33. | Nina Yankowitz [CV] | USA |